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Talk to a Headphone Guru

Club Audiophile

Join Club Audiophile to begin your pursuit of great sound. Earn points and save on every purchase.


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Headphone Zone Certified\n Unboxed Units


\n Unboxed units are as good as new products with the product's packaging being unavailable. These products\n give\n you the same satisfaction of new products - but at down-to-earth prices. Usually, the product's packaging may have gotten damaged in transit. Customers use a product once or twice and then return it with opened up packaging.


Customer\n Returns


Returned headphones are\n fully functional products that have left the warehouse and therefore can no longer be sold as new as their\n packaging has been opened. The product may have been used once or twice by the customer who returned\n it.


Transit\n Damages


Sometimes we receive\n headphones in damaged packaging due to shipping accidents. These are brand new headphones with cosmetic\n flaws on\n the packaging.


\n \n

\n Save Upto 15%


\n Since you won't get the original packaging, we give you a good discount compared to a new headphone.\n

\n \n

Professionally Inspected


\n A thorough inspection means you receive a 100% working headphone with no sound output issues.\n\n

\n \n

Original Warranty\n


\n All unboxed headphones carry the same warranty period as a brand new headphone would.\n\n

\n \n

Unbiased Customer Service


\n We have the same Headphone Zone customer support experience for Unboxed Products or new products.\n

\n \n

\n Unchanged Replacement Policy


\n Received a defective Unboxed unit? Return it under our Replacement Policy.\n

\n \n

\n All Original Accessories


\n The unboxed headphones itself comes with all original accessories.\n

\n\n\n\n", "background": "", "background_gradient": "", "text_color": "" } }, "3fc50fce-f26b-4ecf-8f17-b8c02f0c8863": { "type": "impact-90-seconds", "blocks": { "e6c3304a-5133-440b-aab7-6926b7381124": { "type": "video", "settings": { "video": "", "external_video_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9VUPq3SxOc", "autoplay": false, "media_width": 50, "media_position": "start", "text_position": "place-self-center text-center", "icon": "none", "icon_width": 48, "subheading": "", "title": "", "content": "", "link_text": "", "link_url": "", "background": "#f1f1f1", "background_gradient": "", "text_color": "#444444", "text_gradient": "", "button_background": "", "button_text_color": "" } } }, "block_order": [ "e6c3304a-5133-440b-aab7-6926b7381124" ], "custom_css": [ "@media screen and (max-width: 700px) {.media-with-text__media > * {height: 350px; width: 350px; margin: auto; }}" ], "settings": { "full_width": false, "spacing": "small" } }, "fdf24d2c-d084-43d2-8e54-f9e48bcbbd62": { "type": "impact-rich-text", "blocks": { "template--16357523620028__fdf24d2c-d084-43d2-8e54-f9e48bcbbd62-heading-1": { "type": "heading", "settings": { "text": "Moondrop Presents The All-New And Upgraded Quark 2", "heading_tag": "h3", "text_color": "", "gradient": "" } }, "template--16357523620028__fdf24d2c-d084-43d2-8e54-f9e48bcbbd62-richtext-1": { "type": "richtext", "settings": { "content": "

Moondrop introduces the Quark 2, an upgrade to the Quarks. It features a 7.8mm dynamic driver with integrated DSP technology for clean and precise sound. The LCP composite diaphragm ensures detailed audio output. Quark 2 is bundled with a Type-C cable, making it compatible with Windows, android and iOS. The Type-C cable also features a built-in microphone and three-button media control, allowing easy tuning via the Moondrop Link Application. Designed for Hi-Res music with low-latency connectivity, its bullet-shaped structure provides a snug fit and effective noise isolation. Elevate your music experience with the Moondrop Quark 2.

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Moondrop Quark 2 is embedded with a specially developed 7.8mm dynamic driver for low distortion. Moondrop Quark 2 houses an LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymer) composite diaphragm with a flexible suspension exclusively designed for the closed-front cavity structure for high-frequency and detailed sound for an engaging music listening experience.

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Moondrop Quark 2 houses an efficient N52 magnetic circuit with a lightweight CCAW voice coil for efficient energy conversion and response speed. This configuration is designed for a wide sound stage with powerful bass and detailed mid-range for an enhanced music-listening experience.

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Moondrop Quark 2 comes bundled with a Type-C terminated cable featuring a 40nm SOC with integrated DSP, CPU, RAM, and AMP architecture. Moondrop Quark 2 ensures a wired lossless transmission eliminating latency problems with effortlessly handling Hi-Res music, shooting games or game music. The USB type-C interface is designed based on a standard UAC 2.0 audio protocol compatible with devices with a standard USB-C interface. It can load complex audio filters and delivers hardware-decoded high-definition audio up to 32bit/384khz for high-resolution lossless music. Moondrop Quark 2 features an online interactive DSP allowing you to tune the music with different filters and EQ presets and share it with your friends using the Moondrop Link Application for seamless connectivity. 

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Moondrop Quark 2 offers a wide-frequency range based on the VDSF target response. The three preset tuning mechanism delivers exceptional acoustic performance. The Audio SOC chip ensures a full-link non-distortion level of less than 0.05%. Moondrop Quark 2 finely matches the acoustic coupling characteristics of different ear canals and diligently matches the target frequency response of VDSF 5128 Demo as measures on a brand-new B&K5128 wideband hand-and-torse-stimulator.

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Moondrop Quark 2 is ergonomically designed based on the design principles of durability and reliability for a visually appealing look. It features extra protection and anti-vibration measures for vulnerable parts with a dedicated channel for acoustic transmission. It is embedded with a dual acoustic filter design made of different damping materials for eliminating timbre burr and reducing the Q value of ultra-high notes. Moondrop Quark 2 features a closed front cavity design ensuring exceptional sound isolation and minimising the risk of hearing damage from long music listening hours.      

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Moondrop Quark 2’s are bullet-shaped and built for a snug fit and lightweight. It also provides noise isolation for an enhanced music-listening experience.

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Moondrop Quark 2 features a Type-C termination for easy Compatibility with DSP integrated for a high-resolution music-listening experience.

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Moondrop Quark 2 features a three-button online control for adjusting volume, pause/play and answer/hang up calls and a built-in microphone.

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1. Ear-tips (S, M, L)
2. Manual
3. Certificate
4. Service card

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2. Ear-tips (S, M, L)
3. Manual
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With a focus on constant improvement, MOONDROP ventured into in-ear monitors (IEMs), releasing iconic models like the "IX" and the acclaimed "kanas" series. As the brand evolved, it solidified its position as a premium IEM manufacturer with releases such as the "Blessing," "A8," and "Reference." With a commitment to innovation and technology, MOONDROP continually pushes the boundaries of sound engineering, investing in research to optimize performance without following trends. Critically acclaimed models like the MOONDROP Starfield and MOONDROP Blessing2 showcase the brand's expertise and dedication to excellence, making MOONDROP a staple in many audiophiles' collections.

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Check out the most common questions our customers ask. Still have questions? Talk to our Headphone Gurus.

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